Change the world

The year's first quarter has been a period of new beginnings and strategic planning. The Sol Plaatje Structure has taken on the significant responsibility of planning the 2024 activities, leading to the establishment of the 2024 Plan of Action.

The structure was introduced through a series of comprehensive workshops, ensuring a smooth transition into the 2024 Academic Year. The year commenced with informative sessions on basic drills for handling false alarms and fire detector issues, equipping our house committees with essential skills and knowledge.

Leaders for Change hosted a presentation session outlining the programs leaders can undertake to improve their leadership styles. The Residence Manager hosted a pivotal session, bouncing ideas around events that Sol Plaatje Residence could host. This session was fruitful as it provided directives and departure points for the House Committees.

The structure embraced its 2024 duties with enthusiasm, hosting impactful team-building events that emphasized teamwork, support, and communication. This was followed by a two-day leadership training workshop, a transformative experience that set the guidance for what leaders can expect in this journey and how they can excel in their respective portfolios.

In closing, Leaders for Change hosted an executive workshop to further discuss support and a functional structure. All these activities were directed at the incoming 2024 leaders to deliver quality leaders and support students throughout their academic year.

For Communication:
Viwe Kambule

Posted on 02 April 2024 09:17:26

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